Department of Geological Sciences

Dr. Adriana Heimann Rios

SERVICE - Adriana Heimann Ros
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-discrimination

GWIS Eastern North Carolina
NEW - I am a member of the Faculty Senate DEI Committee. I'm also the creator and chair of the Geological Sciences Department DEI Committee. I envisioned and spearheaded the writing of the Department of Geological Sciences Anti-Discrimination Statement.

Geological Sciences Graduate Student Research Symposium
I developed and am the organizer, along with a graduate student volunteer organizing committee, of the Geological Sciences Student Research Symposium. 2022 was its 5th year. The next one will take place in the Fall of 2024.

Undergraduate Advisor for Geology Majors
I am currently an advisor for undergraduate Geology majors.
(c) Adriana Heimann Rios, May 2024
NEW - 2021-2023 - I was the President of GWIS Eastern NC. Click here for details. We provided Research Advancement Grants and did fundraising through T-shirts, face mask sales, restaurants, and cloth napkins.
I review papers for a large number of scientific journals and proposals for various national and international organizations. I also review proposals in review panels.
I work on mineralogy/petrology outreach with student visitors and other constituents, including identification of rocks and minerals. I give talks at local schools about minerals and careers in Geology.

Geological Sciences
Seminar Series

Geological Sciences
Seminar Series
I was in charge of organizing the Seminar Series for Geological Sciences for 4 1/2 years. Please see the link in our department website for an up-to-date list of seminars for each semester.