Department of Geological Sciences

Dr. Adriana Heimann Rios

March 2021 - Dr. Adriana Heimann-Rios was included in a piece explaining some of the challenges of teaching virtually during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as some future opportunities this provided. Link here.
July 2020 - Daniel Gray successfully defended his M.S. thesis and graduated. Congratulations Daniel!
February 2019 - Alex Hammerstrom successfully defended his M.S. thesis and graduated in the summer of 2019. Congratulations Alex! Alex was a Geologist at the Geological Survey of South Dakota and a current PhD student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst working on petrology and isotope geochemistry.
July 2018 - M.S. student Brett Pertunen successfully defended his thesis in summer 2018 and graduated. Congratulations Brett! Brett is currently working in an environmental company.
May 2018 - M.S. student Allison Murrie successfully defended her thesis and graduated in May 2018. Congratulations Allison! Allison is currently a PhD candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill working on isotope geochemistry.
April 2018 - M.S. student Tiffany Cummings successfully defended her thesis and graduated in May 2018. Congratulations Tiffany! Tiffany is currently working in an environmental company in Seattle.
April 2018 - Adriana Heimann received an East Carolina University College of Arts and Sciences Treasured Pirate Award for "Effective Leadership".
April 2018 - Adriana Heimann and M.S. student Daniel Gray traveled to Harvard University to perform Raman spectroscopy analyses of beryl with collaborator Dr. Raquel Alonso-Perez.
November 2017 - M.S. student Nicholas Mitchell successfully defended his thesis and graduated in December. Congratulations Nicholas!
August 2017 - M.S. students Daniel Gray (Georgia Southern Univ.) and Cindy Mauro (Southern Indiana University) joined the group. Welcome! They are working on the chemistry and color of beryl.
July - August 2017 - M.S. students Alex Hammerstrom, Allison Murrie, Brett Pertunen, and Adriana Heimann visited the University of Wisconsin, Madison, for 20 days.
March 2017 - M.S. student Alex Hammerstrom obtained a second NASA North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Award. Congratulations Alex.
August 2016 - New Layered Mafic Intrusions and Associated Ore Deposits Interest Group Facebook page created - For details visit: https://www.facebook.com/layeredmaficintrusions/
August 2016 - M.S. students Alex Hammerstrom and Tiffany Cummings, and P.I. Adriana Heimann traveled to Red Lodge, Montana, for a GSA Penrose Conference on layerd mafic intrusions and economic deposits. Three oral presentations were given.
August 2016 - Heimann was granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor.
August 2016 - M.S. students Allison Murrie (Radford Univ.) and Brett Pertunen (Michigan State University) joined the group. Welcome! They will be working on the Skaergaard Fe isotope project.
May 2016 - Paper by Heimann et al. on the melt evolution of felsic dikes based on the chemical composition of gahnite published in Mineralogy and Petrology.
May 2016 - M.S. student Alex Hammerstrom obtained a North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Award. Congratulations Alex!
January 2016 - M.S. student Alex Hammerstrom (B.S. University of South Dakota) joined the group. Welcome! Alex is working on the Skaergaard project.
August 2015 - M.S. students Tiffany Cummings (B.S. Central Washington University) and Nicholas Mitchell (B.S. Georgia Southern Univ.) joined the group. Welcome! Tiffany is working on the Skaergaard project and Nicholas is working on the geochemistry of garnet in granitic pegmatites.
May 2015 - The paper by Sardi & Heimann (Canadian Mineralogist, 2014) on the chemistry of beryl from pegmatites of the Pampean Province and review of worldwide occurrences received the Hawley Medal awarded by the Mineralogical Association of Canada for the best paper in The Canadian Mineralogist in 2014. The award is named in honor of Dr. J.E. Hawley (1897-1965) who was distinguished professor of mineralogy at Queen's University.
April 2015 - M.S. student Heather Lancaster successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations Heather!
February 2015 - M.S. student Heather Lancaster (B.S. UNC-Charlotte) is almost done with her thesis and will be defending this semester. Just a few more steps Heather!
October 2014 - M.S. student Erica Serna (B.S. Indiana University) successfully defended her thesis and graduated in December of 2014. Congratulations Erica!
August 2014 - Paper by Sardi & Heimann on the geochemistry of beryl from Argentina pegmatites has been accepted for publication in Canadian Mineralogist. Fernando Sardi was a post doctoral researcher at ECU.
August 2014 - M.S. student Cortney Cameron (B.S. Duke University) joined the group. Welcome! Cortney will be working on the amazing Skaergaard intrusion.
July 2014 - M.S. student Jason Yonts (Radford University) successfully defended his Masters thesis and graduated in the summer of 2014. Congratulations to Jason!
July 2014 - NSF project funded (P.I. Heimann) to study Fe isotope geochemistry at the Skaergaard layered mafic intrusion, Greenland. I'm looking for excellent and motivated students to work on this project.

Alex Hammerstrom

Tiffany Cummings

Brett Pertunen
Tiffany, Adriana, Alex

Raquel and Adriana