Department of Geological Sciences

Dr. Adriana Heimann Ríos

Adriana Heimann Ríos, PhD
Associate Professor
Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Economic Geology

Research Interests: Geology: Understanding crustal processes and fundamental and applied problems using field work, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, modeling, and state-of-the-art analytical techniques. Specific projects include: Fe isotope fractionation in magmatic systems; geochemistry and genesis of critical mineral deposits, the origin of color in minerals; early Earth's geochemistry and genesis of BIFs; geochemistry and genesis of hydrothermal sulfide deposits and spatially associated exhalites; evolution of metamorphic rocks and P-T reconstructions. Geoscience and society: Societal-relevant and community-based geoscience, community engagement.
Contact details
Mailing Address:
101 Graham Building
Department of Geological Sciences
East Carolina University
Mail Stop 558
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 328-5206
We are recruiting students for the post-baccalaureate and MS programs and hiring for the post-doctoral program: https://litgeo.org.
I am also always looking for good and motivated graduate students interested in learning, figuring things out, and in excellence - Email me or use the Contact me! page to learn of opportunities.
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